Friday, February 4, 2011

Blogger for android.

Just testing a quick post from the android blogger app.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Time to Buckle Down

I'm on the home stretch of my Masters degree........The problem is that I'm starting to wind down on my motivation, SO the solution is to Buckle Down and kick my own butt into gear! Just had to write this down so I can look back and tell myself GO GO GO! Anyway....I'm tired and sleepy today.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Forever & a Day Ago

Been a while since posting.....Just been too busy. Oh well, I think I'll post something quick. I'm having one of those days where you have a giant list to work on....but you're just not motivated to work on it. I really want to get these things off my list & be done with them, but I really want to be lazy and not worry about horrible chores, and the like. Oh well, guess I better get to chores. Stupid chores...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thoughts on Time Travel

Why is it no movies that feature time travel discuss the need to traverse space as well. It's just assumed that you'll traverse time and end up in the same planetary location or wherever you'll need to be. So, for argument's sake, let's say an actual "time machine" were invented. If you did traverse time as we know it and no measures were in place to "re-position" you to a specific cosmic location, you would likely end up re-emerging into some unknown portion within the void of space. If you didn't have a container to sustain yourself, you would die a very quick and painful death. You see, as time progresses (or regresses in this instance) cosmic locations change. Four million years ago earth was in a completely different location within the universe. Even further complicating the matter, it would be highly improbable to actually re-locate where Earth would have been. A mathematical assumption could be ascertained, however, this could not possibly take into account anomalies that would alter rotational trajectory even in the slightest. To sum up: Although I enjoy a good "time travel" movie, my mind is always telling me that they did not cover one of the main issues of traversing do you safely traverse both time and space at the same time with infinite cosmic event possibilities?

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Paramore is playing now, No Doubt will be on soon. So far a good

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A note about driving safe.

Hello driving world. I've said a few things about this before, however, I've noticed more and more accidents out there lately. Many people think that it is their right to "own the road". This is just not true. You do not own the road, your lane, my lane, the whole highway, or probably even the car you're driving. There is a time and a place to drive faster than usually necessary (in an emergency). I'm not going to lecture too much here. Just please think the next time you are in a car and drive safely. I'm tired of seeing people getting killed because of stupidity. I am a former reckless driver, and even now I have my moments of idiocy...the difference is that I am not so stubborn to NOT learn from my mistakes. Please just be careful out there.