Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A note about driving safe.

Hello driving world. I've said a few things about this before, however, I've noticed more and more accidents out there lately. Many people think that it is their right to "own the road". This is just not true. You do not own the road, your lane, my lane, the whole highway, or probably even the car you're driving. There is a time and a place to drive faster than usually necessary (in an emergency). I'm not going to lecture too much here. Just please think the next time you are in a car and drive safely. I'm tired of seeing people getting killed because of stupidity. I am a former reckless driver, and even now I have my moments of idiocy...the difference is that I am not so stubborn to NOT learn from my mistakes. Please just be careful out there.

1 comment:

flatfootretired said...

Glad to hear someone admit they "were" a reckless driver. I use to investigate accidents and many of them could have been easily prevented. I won't preach to the converted. Proud of you. Keep on passing on your message - even if it is low key. Found that trying to shove information down some folks was futile. Stay safe.